Monday, June 23, 2008

Squarky's itsy bitsy Shanghai-ization

It's been a little over six months since Squarky came to Shanghai. Looking back, he has survived cross-country air travel, quarantine by the China government, abdominal surgery ordeal, and apartment-living rules. We can proudly announce that he has successfully fit in city life and become a city slicker!

Let me share with you some of itsy bitsy things about Squarky’s Shanghai-ization .
In order to become a legal alien dog in Shanghai, Squarky and us needed to obtain “Permitted Certificate of Dogs” and “Immunization Certificate of Dogs” issued respectively by “Shanghai Public Security Bureau”(aka Shanghai Police Bureau) and Shanghai Animal Control Vet Station. Below picture shows these two cards.

Application forms are different for expat and local dog owners. As far as I haven seen, the form for expat owners seems to be in Chinese only. This form can be obtained from police station or downloaded from website (上海公安局的網站download下載) or, like me, get it from management office of the apartment/ villa compound. The approval procedures are simpler for expat dog owners. Don’t ask me why. Since we live in Pu Dong, the fee is RMB 1,000 (about US$145) annually which is quite expensive in my opinion. The fee would increase to RMB 2,000 if the dog owner lives in an area like Puxi downtown.

I had to run a few trips to finally get this job done. However, the police station and the officer who is in charge of this matter are pretty friendly, which has offset some of the grudge I developed for all these hassles of running back and forth. Their service and efficiency are much better than I expected which, made me relieved because I initially was very hesitant to deal with “Chinese policemen“.

Shanghai Canine Control Commander Committee Office gives free gear including a dog permit key ring, a collar- leash- muzzle set and a pooh picker to every registered dog owner this year. Above picture shows the gear. The idea is to attempt to educate local dog owners to become more “civilized” and “responsible” which is very nice and should be convenient for dog owners. However, the idea when put to the test seems to be not so practical and smart. First, they only give one size of collar-leash-muzzle set which is so small that perfectly goes no where except stuck on Squarky’s muzzle. Then, the pooh picker is so humongous that you really can put in T-Rex pooh no problem. It also looks more rather a land-mine removal device than a doggy pooh-picker. So I have put all these away and go back to use our old stuffs.

Let me show you a few of Squarky’s own gear which he needs often on a daily basis. The below picture- from left to right.

Night safety collar with flashing lights - boguth from PetsMart. It is a must-have when Squarky runs with his dad at night. The flash lights are big and easy to be seen and have two different light adjustments to choose.

Blue normal leash - Squarky’s dad bought it in Japan. What we like about this seems-normal leash is that its handle has extra thick gel cushion built-in which is very comfortable in our hands even when Squarky pulls hard. I haven’t seen any leash in the US that has this design. Bravo to another smart and sweet Japanese design!
Pooh bag carrier - I wish Shanghai Canine Control Commander Committee office can take a good look at this - a real civilized size of a good pooh bag carrier is supposed like this big, OK?
Brown doggy-print water-proof bag - I purchased it a few months ago in Taipei. It is a very practical and also good-looking cute bag. Another Japanese sweet and smart design. I use it to carry Squarky’s gear plus mine when taking him outside.
Pet wipes - One of Squarky’s untold, incurable habit is that he likes to leave the very last tiny bit of pooh dangling from his handsome rear. I’ve learned my lesson well. Now, I carry Pet wipes so that it can come to the rescue.
Retractable leash - this is Not the best recommended leash for behavioral training. But it makes dogs like Squarky who likes walking as lost control firework very happy. Just don’t tell Cesar Milan we use it.

Shanghai Canine Control Commander Committee Office publishes “Metropolis and Dog”(picture shown above) . We received it last month. The content seems to focus on owners education for civilizing local dog owners. I find it quite entertaining though.

Allowing me say this boldly that China has no “pet culture” yet. I am not a qualified social observer or sociologist, so I am not going to analyze why and how and when. Being a dog enthusiast, what I care the most is how one day the pet culture will be healthily and correctly rooted in Chinese people’s heart. Only when that day comes, will Chinese people truly understand how great their life can be with pets around. Only when that day comes, a real mutual respect and love will be found between nature/other beings and human beings on this ancient land.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008


果果來到上海也半年了, 上海狗居大不易, 茲分享一些果果的上海狗居事.

果果依規定完成由美國入滬的入境程序後 (有關果果由土桑飛來上海的旅程, 我略記在無名小站的博客裡), 事情並未了. 要合法落戶當“上海阿拉狗”的果果要填寫申請表, 向公安局提出申請取得養犬許可證以及免疫證, 下面兩張照片是果果的免疫症與養犬許可證(正面及背面).

此申請表可向各區公安局索取, 或是由上海公安局的網站下載, 或是像我一樣, 是跟小區的物業(或

居委會) 索取. 上面兩張申請表的差別在於, 本籍人士申請須經鄰居的同意簽章, 居委會核准, 警署/ 派出所, 分局, 市局共五關核准, 而境外人士僅需有小區物業管理蓋章, 警署派出所及分局共三關核准即可, 程序較容易. 這兩種表格均有15日之時效性, 意即在取得物業管理或是鄰居與居委會核准後之15日內, 要前往公安(派出所)辦理.

上海各區辦理核發養犬證的公安局地點, 在上面的網站有說明
我們住浦東, 所以狗證的費用是每年人民幣1000元 (相當於US$145), 若是屬限制養犬區, 則是每年2000元, 實在不便宜.

有關其他申請細節, 可以參考上海公安局的網站, 我就不多贅述.

有一點想分享是, 在辦狗證過程中, 雖然我前後往派出所跑了好幾趟, 不過對於承辦我們狗證的公安- 梅園派出所及承辦警官的服務態度, 我非常滿意, 承辦警官對於我事前電話詢問細節及需備哪些資料以及事後主動聯絡我的效率態度, 超乎我預期的好, 消除我事前很猶豫要跟公安打交道的的疑慮, 也許是我運氣好, 或是這些承辦狗證的警官素質本來就被要求要高一些, 總之, 整個過程很順利!

上海市犬類管理領導小組辦公室 (這個稱謂聽起來挺官僚的, 我覺得叫“犬類管理處”就好了) 於2008年向養犬戶發放了准養犬吊牌, 犬繩犬嘴套及拾便器, 見下圖.

雖說屬一項"德政”, 意圖教育幫助本地養犬飼主“文明化”, 我也接到梅園派出所呂警官通知前往領取, 不過這些德政都被束之高閣未用, 因為所發放的犬繩犬嘴套的尺寸只有適合玩具犬用的小號的, 果果連嘴巴都套不進去, 而超大can的拾便器看起來像連恐龍屎都裝的下(也很像要去拆卸地雷一樣), 帶著出門肯定看起來很搞笑, 德政似乎未在實用性上多加評估, 我們還是使用自己原來就有的“家私”吧!

上面一張照片是果果的幾項常用必備用品, 左至右 -

夜間用安全警示項圈: 美國PetsMart買的, 兩段式閃光, 清晰易辨, 很酷歐! 果果跟果爸夜間跑步時必帶.

藍色短式狗鍊: 果爸出差時在日本買的, 其手握把有加厚, 握起來非常舒適.
便便袋隨身盒: (咳咳…. ) 請看一下甚麼才是"文明"的尺寸.

咖啡色狗狗印花的防水小布袋: 我上次回台北在捷運石牌站旁一家小店買的, 台幣600元, 很貴, 但是遛狗時裝果果的東西加我的東西很方便, 好看又好實用, 下次回去時還想再到這家店看看.

狗狗清潔濕紙巾: 果果常大便大不乾淨, 愛留"一節伏筆”等我們去發"掘", 我學乖, 現在果果出門一定帶濕紙巾.

伸縮式狗鍊: 這種狗鍊不是最正確讓狗狗學習服從跟隨的狗鍊款式, 但是可以讓愛亂竄的狗狗非常快樂, 要使用此類狗鍊重點是, 狗主身手反應要很敏捷, 而且有能耐可以拉住回自己的狗, 否則不建議用, 由其是不要讓小孩使用這種狗鍊溜狗.

上海市犬類管理領導小組辦公室發行"都市與犬"小刊物, 我們自上月起也開始接到, 內容重點均是在幫助教化本地飼主能文明養犬, 部分內容讀起來娛樂效果挺高的.
在上海這半年多, 不論是由大環境或是街角偶遇的人身上嗅得出中國人對狗恐懼與無知的程度有多少, 不負責任與無知的狗主也不難發現, 我希望中國的寵物文化有朝一日能正確健全地發展, 讓中國人開始明白人類與寵物和平健康共處所帶來的無限益處.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

A visit to Zhouzhuang

If you come to Shanghai, a quick day trip to one or two of the ancient water townships nearby is highly recommended.

There are many ancient water towns in Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou areas.
Among them, Zhouzhuang is the most well-known.

Zhouzhuang is the “Venice of the East”.

In the eyes of local Chinese people, Zhouzhuang is often called as “The Number One Water Town of China”.

Zhouzhuang has been around since 1086AD.

The tourists did not start to flock in until 1980's

What made Zhouzhuang a "water town" was that it was surrounded by lakes, rivers and canals.

Rivers and canals are literally “the streets”

People use boats to move around for even very short distance

Most residential houses were built with stairs connected down to the rivers from the backdoors.

It is said that 60 percent of the buildings in Zhouzhuang were constructed during Ming to Qing dynasties which is from 1368 to 1911.

A typical Chinese water town is poetically portrayed to have three major features - “compact bridges, flowing water and clustered homes“.

Zhouzhuang has it all and more.

Some criticism said Zhouzhuang has became somewhat commercialized because of its popularity and successful advertising and gradually lost its original charms.

From what I experienced, I feel it is still a great place to visit and definitely is still one of the best.

I have visited another similar water town - Tongli, in this area a few years ago.

From my personal experience, Tongli, back then, was more tranquil and unspoiled, while Zhouzhuang offers more varieties and seems to be better preserved architecturally.

I like the fact that people are still living there so that you can observe a lot of things going on around you.

Strolling down on old stone roads or taking a “gondola” to enjoy the scene

Either way, the rich ancient culture and primitive folkways speak to you from every angles

It’s a place that you would not want to miss.

Especially if you love photographing, this town is the place!
From Shanghai, it takes about an hour or two to get there.

The condition of the roads to there are pretty good.

The tour "Pass" costs 100Rmb

The gondola is fun to try - it is 160Rmb per boat and it comes with a pot of tea and a plate of snack

You are expected to tip if the gondolier sings

One the local specialty cuisine is "Won-Shan" pork shank stew

It is very delicious (if you dare to try)!


Monday, June 2, 2008


而朱家角, 烏鎮, 同里....等, 也極受遊客青睞
拜Monica來訪, 讓我有藉口放下家事一天

呈現典型江南"小橋, 流水, 人家"的意境




小橋, 流水, 人家, 百聞不如一見, 思古幽情, 百年前的先祖們, 是否走過相同的水道? 踏上那座拱橋呢?

抱著如參賽Fear Factor 的烈士精神, 一嚐當地有名的萬三蹄及農村土菜, 哇! 真是給他超美味的! 我那不甚堅強的腸胃也居然給他沒事...不知是否因事前我們有叮囑少鹽少油不加味精? 還是因為我吃完後頂著一頭熱氣, 給他灌了一罐"王老吉" 護身所致? 有關"王老吉"這好喝的要人命的飲料, 值得檡佳日, 另闢專文鑑賞.

鎮上兩所完整宅邸- 張廰及沈廳- 的一角. 很喜歡這兩所宅邸呈現的空間設計巧思, 及建築細部的玲瓏, 感受到當時人的詩意與浪漫, 住在裡頭應該是很舒服的!





About this Blog

Here records those old happy days that Squarky spent with us. They are combined from my old blogs.

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