Sunday, May 25, 2008

LDS Shanghai International District 20th Anniversary Celebration LDS 上海國際區會二十周年慶祝紀念活動

This past weekend was the 20th anniversary celebration of Shanghai International District of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The theme is "With Faith in Every Footstep" inspired from 1 Nephi 7:12: "... the Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him. Wherefore, let us be faithful to him.".

A special fireside and commemorative reception was held on Friday night. The fireside provided many informative archives of the history about how everything started which can be dated back to as early as 18th century. There were talks which brought inspirational messages and testimonies. The most valuable message I've received in this fireside is that it is not by coincidence or accident that we come to China at this special moment in history. Neither our chance to come here nor the very timing for us to be on this great ancient land can be taken lightly in any extent. China hasn't opened to the true gospel, yet, this is not the thing they need the most at this moment. Our mission here is to help lay down the cornerstones for the future change. The change has been prophesied and promised and it will be fulfilled only by the Lord's time, will and way, and also our righteous desires and efforts. Hence, living by good examples among the local people in our daily life is the most important task we each who are here to take and nothing else should be placed on top of that. Through living by examples, we bring the light of Christ to whereever we go and leave a good memory in the hearts of people in China even long after we are gone. This message really help clarify my mind. The mission is not easy though and often is full of many new challenges on this far, strange land. However, it is as plain and simple as it could be and it is possible. My heart was full when we went home.

I was asked to translate for the entire fireside. I was so exausted after and ate a lot at the following reception to make up the dead brain cells which were killed during the translation process. It is not easy. I definitely pay more respect to translators in the future.

The next day (Saturday), the district held a park/ BBQ activity at Shanghai Sculpture Park. This place is not strang to us because we have just been there a week ago. The district had a caterer to fix some real American food - hamburger and hotdog - for us to enjoy. We took Squarky with us. He behaved well. However, he unusually hide under the picnic bench during the lunch hour and did nothing except for exceedingly panting due to the hot humid temperature. Actually, we were relieved as we have worried that he might "attack" the grill to steal food. Later on, Squarky went crazy swimming and playing by the man-made beach and finally got a good cool-off.

We appreciated those brothers and sisters who sacraficed a lot to make this celebration event so meaningful and fun to enjoy. We really had good time! The weather was hot and humid (to me) though. It made me start to think my survival strategy for the following summer months. I heard that it can hit 39C, 40C (over 100F) plus the humidity. Oh, dear.....
週五週六有兩場活動是慶祝紀念耶穌基督後期聖徒教會上海國際區會二十周年, 活動主題是"每一腳步都充滿信心"(With Faith In Every Footstep), 在尼(月非)一書七章12節: ".... the Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him. Wherefore, let us be faithful to him." 首先是周五晚上的爐邊聚會與紀念招待會, 爐邊聚會的內容十分豐富與靈性, 讓大家學習到先驅者的犧牲與榜樣, 與神的事工的明確性與其富涵的智慧. 對我個人而言, 了解到在此時此刻來到中國並非意外或偶然, 而是來為未來的轉變鋪設準備的房角石, 日常生活於普羅眾生裡立好榜樣, 讓基督的光經由我們的榜樣照耀他人, 是我們的首要與唯一的責任義務, 這項訊息如醍醐灌頂, 加強換新了我的想法與願景. 當晚我擔任即席口譯, 說實在, 真的這份工作答應的容易, 做起來讓人全身虛脫, 尤其我只是業餘的, 讓我對專業口譯者又多了一份尊敬. 由於腦汁絞盡造成的全身虛脫, 我在紀念招待會上拼命地吃東西來補元氣, 嘿嘿~ 當晚的點心真的好可口, 燈光氛圍與音樂更是迷人!
第二項活動則是隔天周六, 在佘山的月湖雕塑公園的戶外烤肉, 這地方我們去過並不陌生, 區會請來Johnny Moo的外燴, 讓我們享用美式漢堡與熱狗, 午餐後有團體活動. 我們狗兒子也參與盛會, 還好因為悶熱, 讓這小子在午餐時只躲在椅子下喘氣, 沒有直搗BBQ爐區, 後來, 來到人工海灘, 他不等我們就自己跳下去了, 他爹當天準備了換洗衣褲來撩下水, 帶他游個盡興. 今天的活動很棒, 不過也讓我初嚐了上海的濕熱, 對即來的盛夏開始戒慎恐懼.


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Here records those old happy days that Squarky spent with us. They are combined from my old blogs.

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