Homemade Milk Bone
(Milk-Bone® v.s. home-made version)
Squarky's empty cookie jar has been calling me for baking duty for a while. That day, all things set aside, I filled the empty cookie jar with a batch of home-made Milk Bone.
Squarky eats twice a day - breakfast and dinner. We like to give him a piece of Milk Bone as a treat after each meal. The biscuit also serves two another purposes - it is a bait to tempt Squarky to take his daily seizure pill and it also help freshen his breath and clean his teeth. We haven't found the Milk Bone in Shanghai. So I decided to make it myself. Luckily, I found this recipe and the result is pretty close to the real one. It is crunchy and tasty. Even I myself like it!
烤了果果的 每日必吃零食 - “Milk Bone“ 餅乾, 讓空蕩蕩的餅乾罐再度滿起.
果果一天用早晚二餐, 餐後我們喜歡給他一塊Milk Bone餅乾, 這餅乾除了是讓他乖乖吞下控制他癲癇的藥丸的誘餌外, 還能幫助清潔他的牙齒, 讓口氣清新, 在上海沒找到Milk Bone, 自己就勤勞一點動手烤, 我很幸運的發現了一份食譜, 根據這份食譜烤出來的成品跟真正的Milk Bone很接近歐~ 而且連我都覺得香脆好吃!
Squarky's empty cookie jar has been calling me for baking duty for a while. That day, all things set aside, I filled the empty cookie jar with a batch of home-made Milk Bone.
Squarky eats twice a day - breakfast and dinner. We like to give him a piece of Milk Bone as a treat after each meal. The biscuit also serves two another purposes - it is a bait to tempt Squarky to take his daily seizure pill and it also help freshen his breath and clean his teeth. We haven't found the Milk Bone in Shanghai. So I decided to make it myself. Luckily, I found this recipe and the result is pretty close to the real one. It is crunchy and tasty. Even I myself like it!
烤了果果的 每日必吃零食 - “Milk Bone“ 餅乾, 讓空蕩蕩的餅乾罐再度滿起.
果果一天用早晚二餐, 餐後我們喜歡給他一塊Milk Bone餅乾, 這餅乾除了是讓他乖乖吞下控制他癲癇的藥丸的誘餌外, 還能幫助清潔他的牙齒, 讓口氣清新, 在上海沒找到Milk Bone, 自己就勤勞一點動手烤, 我很幸運的發現了一份食譜, 根據這份食譜烤出來的成品跟真正的Milk Bone很接近歐~ 而且連我都覺得香脆好吃!
(crunchy hot home-made Milk Bone right off the oven!)
Milk Bone Dog Biscuits Recipe
3/4C hot water
1/2C margarine
1/2C powdered milk
1tsp salt
2tsp sugar
1 egg, beaten
3C whole whea flour
In a large bowl pour hot water over the margarine. Stir in powdered milk, salt, sugar and egg. Add flour, 1/2C at a time. Mix or knead to form stiff dough. Pat or roll into 1/2 inch thickness. Use cookie cutter to cut into bone shape or cut into any shape you like. Bake on ungreased baking sheet at 325F for 50 minutes. Cool. The biscuits will dry out quite hard. (I often turn off the oven earlier and let the biscuits to cool in the oven slowly. The biscuits will be hard and crunchy)
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