Let's cool off in Shanghai style
The other night, Tim suggested that we go for a walk along the Bund after dinner.

Why not, I said. All it took was a fairly short walk to the ferry terminal and there we were, the hustling, bustling Bund, in just about 10 minutes or so. What a luxury to live where we live.
The Bund was full of all kinds of activites in spite of it wasn't a weekend night. While we strolled through scattered crowd, we came to spot this - a few men stood idly and threw relaxedly a "spare tire" show. This fashion is a popular men's way to cool off in any steaming, sticky hot day or night around the city. Although, it wasn't the first time we see this for somehow, the scene looked intensively hilarious that night.

So we took this picture (the mane right behind Tim was also doing it). Sorry, gentlemen! By the wa, I just figure out that we can click on the picture to get larger view. Tim said this is something he may think about to try at least once before we move away. I am not sure if he dare to try. Yet, he has found an good excuse to pump up his "spare tire" with more potato chips. Hahahaha!
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